The price of everything, the value of nothing
'You used to stir my imagination. Now you don't even stir my curiosity. You simply produce no effects'
The moment was lost in vulgar details
'Then I feel that I have given away my whole soul to someone who treats it as if it were a flower to put in his coat, a bit of decoration to charm his vanity, an ornament for a summer's day'
'I once wore nothing else but violets all through one season, as a form of artistic mourning for a romance that would not die. Ultimately, however, it did die. I forget what killed it. I think it was her proposing to sacrifice the whole world for me. That is always a dreadful moment. It fills one with the terror of eternity'
And left was nothing but a lingering sense of infinity
Not quite like playing in the pouring rain.
And honey, I was never gonna change.